The Alpine Path - About Me

“It had always seemed to Emily, ever since she could remember, that she was very, very near to a world of wonderful beauty. Between it and herself hung only a thin curtain; she could never draw the curtain aside-- but sometimes, just for a moment, a wind fluttered it and then it was as if she caught a glimpse of the enchanting realm beyond-- only a glimpse-- and heard a note of unearthly music.” 

How many avid readers or aspiring writers have read this quote and felt their heart soar with the knowledge that, finally, here was someone who understood them? I started writing when I was 8 years old. I still remember reading the beginnings of my first book to my older sister.

What I loved (and still love) about writing is the idea that, if I just try hard enough, I might be able to capture on paper that pang of delight that goes through my soul while watching a sunset, or that moment in a movie when the hero and heroine finally realize they were meant for each other. There are no words you can say to fully make someone else experience the depths of emotion at the simple sight of  a raindrop resting delicately on top of a petal, but if you were to try, the best place would be through a story. I dream of helping others escape reality through my stories the way I melt into another world every time I open a book. Yes, even as a child, this was my dream. 
This blog contains some of my attempts at finally putting in writing the stories I've been working on for years, as well as summaries of the research that goes into everything I write. From story excerpts to fashion in the 1800s to the historical intricacies of the Oregon Trail, this blog contains glimpses into the life of a writer. I hope, too, that other writers will find my research summaries useful in their own novels as I work painstakingly to ensure as much accuracy as possible in my writing and share my results with you.

 Join me in recapturing the magic of my pen as I open my imagination back up after facing the realities of grown-up life, and finally answer the call to write that has always been in my life.

"Then whisper, blossom, in they sleep
How I may upward climb
The Alpine Path, so hard, so steep,
That leads to heights sublime.
How I may reach that far-off goal
Of true and honored fame
And write upon its shining scroll
A woman's humble name."

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