Welcome! As you may have already read in my About Me Page, I've had a passion for writing for almost as long as I can remember.
Truth be told, like most writers, I am a flaming introvert. I have a difficult time talking to people, let alone sharing something like my precious writing with them. Which is likely one of the reasons I have yet to publish anything other than a short story and a poem. The other reason is, of course, that time just got away from me, I got caught up in college life, and then after-college life, and before I knew it, here I was, 29 years old and yet to have a book published.
So last year, I began narrowing my focus again and writing more regularly than I had since I left home. My husband can account for the fact that I am a significantly happier person just writing - no publishing needed! - but I still have the same desire I have had since I was 8 years old. To bring joy to other people through stories.
Being a very detail-oriented person, I have also delved into research on getting books published and one common item that keeps coming up, no matter how much I try to ignore it, is the need to establish a presence on social media. One, to promote your book, and two, to prove to your agent (whenever I get one!) that you will be ABLE to promote your book, should you be published.
Consequently, here we are today. This is me, establishing online presence. Just being honest here. I know for a fact I am not the only introverted writer who has difficulty with self-promoting fears.
So, I've decided to give this blog dual purpose:
1. Share my writing, whenever I am feeling particularly brave.
2. Sharing research for my books to assist other writers of historical books, for anyone who just enjoys random historical facts, and to help implement it into my own brain by summarizing it. As all writers know, writing books placed in the past requires TONS of research if you are interested in accuracy. So you may find posts on here about fashion, historical events, timelines, and who knows what else.
Whatever your interest, I hope you stop by every now and then and find an interesting or even useful fact for yourself.
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