Saturday, August 26, 2017


So, I officially got my first rejection letters this summer. As well as my first rejection "damned with faint praise", which was made slightly less painful by my association of that with Emily of New Moon. Slightly. You can read all the magazines and books in the world "prepping" you for rejections by the hundreds, but there is still nothing like casting your eyes over those words, trying to gently tell you that your work sucks via a - well, what would have been a typewritten slip at one point and is now a generalized email.

This means I have officially reached a new status, though, right? That I have submitted to "official" enough places to actually get a rejection? Anyway. I have had more than one person tell me this story is good, so I am going to try again. . . only, I realized I am probably not trying for the right audience. I was pitching it as a literary piece, but it has definite Christian undertones (being, after all, a Christian) and, further to its condemnation in the eyes of the world right now, it ends happily. You know that everyone likes the dark pieces right now that give you shivers and make you feel kind of ugly inside and like you can never look at humans the same way again. I don't get that trend at all. I like to feel uplifted after reading, even bittersweet if it is a sad ending. But I digress. So I realized I should be submitting it to Christian short story magazines.

Want to know something I didn't know until this week? THERE ARE NO CHRISTIAN FICTION SHORT STORY MAGAZINES! At least, none that I can find. There are tons of Christian or spiritual blogs and magazines in general - but they all want inspirational articles of true stories, devotionals, or whatnot. Fiction? Psh. Apparently they think it is  a waste of time. So I am a little at a loss and mildly considering starting my own Christian fiction magazine.

Anyway - for all you other new writers out there. You may think you are prepared for rejection letters, but don't be afraid if it still crushes your spirit when you start getting them. Pick yourself up and move forward. Don't think about throwing out the manuscript entirely (*coughwhowoulddothat?cough*). Don't assume you are a terrible writer and your friends are just biased (*coughwhaaat?cough*). Just keep moving forward - and maybe reassess the market to which you are submitting - although, according to all the articles, you can still expect lots of rejections. What a lovely life I have to look forward to!

I just have to keep inspirational quotes around me. You should try it too.

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